Tamworth Textile Triennial

Sybil Orr, Beachhead, (Detail) 2023, Silk, calico, linen, cotton and wool threads, hand stitched. Photography Miranda Heckenberg.

Tamworth Textile Triennial

The Tamworth Regional Gallery is renowned for our Tamworth Textile Triennial.

The Triennial, held every three years, showcases the best of textile art from across the country, attracting artist participation from all states in Australia, wide audiences and critical review. The Triennial also assists to continue the development of our textile collection, as many works are purchased for the Tamworth Regional Gallery’s permanent collection.


The 6th Tamworth Textile Triennial is now open for Expressions of Interest. 

More information and how to apply here. 





Since the Tamworth Fibre Textile collection began in 1973 artists have interwoven and shared lived experiences and negotiated stories through the materiality of textile practice.  

The 5th Tamworth Textile Triennial: Residue + Response: Connecting histories and futures builds on this tradition with a future focus on the intangible essence of what it means to be human in the fabric of today’s society and will be an opportunity to celebrate Australian textiles practice, for artists to create and explore the relationality and residues of change through a multiplicity of materials, methods and meanings.

Residue + Response: Connecting histories and futures builds on the tradition of the Tamworth Fibre Textile exhibitions which first began in 1973, showcasing 50 years of contemporary textile artists. There are few events in Australia that can demonstrate such a strong tradition of promoting and sustaining the unique cultural heritage associated with both the history and technology of textile practice.

Residue + Response: Connecting histories and futures, 5th Tamworth Textile Triennial is curated by Dr Carol McGregor an artist, curator, educator who lives and works in Meanjin (Brisbane).