


Lucy Irvine Continuous Interruptions 2011 (detail) Irrigation pipe, cable ties, steel and rust-proof paint 1800 x 1100 x 2000d Tamworth Regional Gallery Collection

Significance Exhibition

The Tamworth Regional Gallery holds significant treasures – artworks that capture the essence of textile art and showcase artworks from a collection that is nearly 100 years old.  
Our nationally significant collection comprises artworks from all periods, mediums and styles, including excellent examples of works that document the changes in textile practice over the past 40 years, iconic landscapes, examples of stunning early silverware, and even contemporary sculpture. 

Key work

Lucy Irvine
Continuous Interruptions 2011
Irrigation pipe, cable ties, steel and rust-proof paint
1800 x 1100 x 2000d
Tamworth Regional Gallery Collection
Elioth (Elliott) Lauritz Leganyer Gruner
Born 1882 New Zealand, arrived Australia 1883, died 1939 Australia
Broadwater Gosford not dated
Oil on canvas
300mm x 405mm
Bequest of Mr N.W. & Mrs M.E. Burdekin 1961 ​
Elisabeth Cummings
After the Wet 2006
Oil on canvas
900mm x 1000mm
Donated through Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program


Tamworth Regional Gallery

466 Peel Street Tamworth

15 October - 03 December 2016