Dobell Drawing Prize #23A National School Touring ExhibitionEXHIBITION OPENING FRIDAY 7TH FEBRUARY 6PM. Presented for the first time at the National Art School Gallery in 2019, the Dobell Drawing Prize builds on the legacy of Australia’s most respected award for drawing, the Dobell Prize for Drawing, previously held at the Art Gallery of New South Wales from 1993 to 2012. Former Prize winners include Kevin Connor, Virginia Grayson, Nicholas Harding, Ann Pollak, Gareth Sansom, Jan Senbergs, Garry Shead and Aida Tomescu.
The Geology of the New England and Surrounding AreasStuart BoggsEXHIBITION OPENING FRIDAY 7TH FEBRUARY 6PM. Boggs’ works are about the landscape of these particular sites, their underlying geology, the evidence of time and erosion, and particular emotions encountered upon his reacquaintance.
The Good Anna Louise RichardsonCurated by Rachel Arndt & Dr Lee-Anne Hall.The Good is a major new solo exhibition by artist Anna Louise Richardson whose practice is centred around rural life, embedded in the experience and drama of everyday reality. Working primarily in charcoal and graphite, Richardson’s work explores ideas of intergenerational exchange, parenthood and identity based on her experiences of living and working on a multi-generation beef cattle farm in rural Australia.
The Tamworth Regional Gallery acknowledges the First Peoples of this land and recognises their continuous connection to culture, community and Country.